Firstly, we are hoping your family is safe and staying healthy through this crisis! We are thankful for those on the front lines helping others. This is a good time to be at home and we have many good things to share with you!
There are some great reasons to step forward into starting your designing, planning during this current crisis, here are positive ideas.
1) Interest rates have never been at their lowest #Lowestinterestratesever practically free right now.
2) Next Long-term planning gives for wise decisions many options #stayingwithinyourbuildingbudget Taking several weeks or months in the first stages of planning thoroughly reviewing, contemplating and having us show you many options in your decision making process.
3) Lastly – once your design is set, we guarantee your pricing. #guaranteedpricingonyournewconstruction Locking current pricing by the end of 2020 for starting your construction and building into the spring or summer of 2021 is the best option for controlling your budget - and you may find only we can do this in the markets! #designandplannowbuildin2021.
We are the largest custom home shipping all over the world and therefore we are like the superstore of building products and pricing! Lots of great reasons to start slowly, planning carefully, and being in the best position to move ahead, with guaranteed pricing, lowest mortgage rates ever, and designing your home that you can virtually SEE and WALK THROUGH before we even put a shovel in the ground.
(You know what people say - woulda – coulda – shoulda)
Click Here for More info on our Exclusive Inclusive DESIGNING OPTIONS >>
Join us on Sunday March 29th at 1:00 pm (MST/CST) for a Live Webinar. Over 10 years ago, we invited World Renowned Architect Firms who were selected for their innovative designs, their passion for natural materials, and their dedication to environmentally responsible designs, created exclusively for Lindal Cedar Homes.
Our goal, is to provide the most diverse portfolio of extraordinary modern designs, to personalize them for each client, for you - your site, your budget, your views - through the most resource-efficient process!
We strive to provide the greatest value without sacrificing quality or the legendary warmth of the Lindal building system!

You will have the array of benefits not available anywhere else:
- Distinctive Architectural Signatures of renowned Architectural Firms,
offering fresh and striking designs
- Personalized Designs for your unique requirements
- Time-Tested Building System #LifetimeStructuralWarranty
- And.....Doug and Barbara Pocha, your local Lindal Dealers,
whether building in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, NW Ontario; walking you through step by step, by hand, from walking your site, through the design process, budget planning, brokering all construction trades and contractors, find the best fit, Management of your project from start to finish!
Lindal Custom Home - Washington
During this crisis, it may be hard to find the bright side of things, but here is one: interest rates are at their lowest! Now is a great time to lock in your mortgage rate and begin designing and planning your custom dream home.
Should I look into mortgage rates right now?
Long-term planning allows for wise, well-thought-out decisions, and will enable you to see the many options that are available to you. You and your family should take the next few weeks or months to begin planning and reviewing what you truly want in a home.
You can also start speaking to us to help you in your decision making, as we can show you what options are available within your budget.
Locking in your pricing with Lindal Custom Home Builders
Once we have spoken and you have your design set, we guarantee your pricing!
Locking in current pricing by the end of 2020 for starting your construction into the spring/summer of 2021 is the best option for controlling your budget - and we may be the only company that can do that in this market!
As the largest and most trusted custom home company, we can ship all over the world. Essentially, we're the superstore of high-quality building products and pricing! Not only that, but we offer a lifetime warranty on your home.
Lower mortgage rates in 2020?
While rates are the lowest they have been in decades, some banks are raising mortgage rates due to COVID-19, but the rates are under 3%. Remember, mortgage rates in the 1980s were 18-20%.
Now they are some of the lowest in history - Under 3%. The best time to lock in rates for your dream home is now!
Your Dream Home Awaits
With all of the reasons outlined above
- low mortgage rates
- guaranteed pricing
- high-quality materials
- lifetime warranty
it is a great time to start planning your custom dream home. We want you to be in the best position to move ahead and to design your home, one that you can virtually see and walk through before we even put a shovel in the ground.

Lindal Custom Lake House - Ontario