Fine Point Cedar Homes

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Imagine the Possibilities - Lindal's Imagine Series Webinar

The Lindal Imagine Series fuses the timeless principles of the Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian home designs with current technology, construction and designs - the result is a home designed for the way people live today with beauty and function.

Join Trina Lindal, former graduate of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture and Aris George, former graduate and faculty member at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture as they introduce you to Lindal's Imagine Series - Home designs inspired by the great Usonian architectural designs of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Register today!

Build Your Legacy! 

“The Lindal Imagine series reflects a   modern   embodiment of Frank Lloyd   Wright’s principles;   sensitive to the   attributes of Usonian design while   meeting the demands of contemporary   living.” 

-Stuart Graff, President and CEO
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Learn how Fine Point Cedar Homes can take the guesswork out of planning and building the home you've Imagined and that you'll love for a lifetime. Call us at 1-855-554-6325 or register your interest here to Get started on your journey>>

Modern Home Design Webinar

Join us for Lindal's Modern Home Design Webinar - Wednesday October 12 @  6 pm MST

Lindal's modern home design webinar takes the guesswork out of planning and building your new home. Learn about the Lindal Elements approach to home design. Preview the work of the Architects Collaborative, floor plans and home design concepts from OM Studio, and the Lindal Imagine Series.